Insurance Information

Dr. Wilder-Willis accepts Medicare. Please note that she does not accept any other insurance. 

Our office will provide you with an invoice containing the information necessary to submit a claim to your insurance company. Neuropsychological evaluations for educational or academic purposes typically are not covered by insurance. Patients may wish to contact their insurance carriers prior to scheduling an appointment to determine if they have out of network benefits and if so whether their plan covers neuropsychological assessment.

Coverage of testing may be dependent upon the diagnosis. When speaking with your insurance company to discuss coverage they may ask you for the CPT code for the service. The CPT code is 96138.

Please note that payment is due at the time services are rendered. 

Contact us.

Please use the form or reach out to us below.
(732) 618-4950

621 Shrewsbury Ave, Suite 243
Shrewsbury, NJ 07701